Lately I've been taking things slow. Trying not to get excited about stuff and trying not to get down about others. I'm at my half way mark with my chemo treatment and I finally see the light. I'm taking it one day at a time, meaning one chemo session at a time. My spirits have been up. I haven't cried in a while. Life just has been treating me good because things could have been worst. I met a lady at the hospital who told me that her sister had a lump that she didn't go get checked. One year later, she finally went to see about it and it turn out to be stage 4 cancer and they gave her 3 months to live. She says that every time she visits her sister, she tells her that she's ready to go. She's tired of living. At that point, I tell God, Thank You! It could have been worst. I see people at the hospital with no one supporting them. I thank God because he gave me an army of folks. I look into my eyes (via mirror) and I smile because I see peace. I see a woman that refuses to get tired of fighting. I smile when I don't want to, I laugh when I want to cry and I sing (terrible singer) when I feel my spirit getting down. I look up when I need to be reminded of who is directing my life. My heart is filled with joy and love. Each day is a day toward VICTORY and I rejoice in advance! I'm planning my celebration because VICTORY is already mine! Living this life I live is not easy but God knows it could have been harder!