It was only a couple of weeks ago that I was told I had a spot on my lung. I had a little fear but for some reason I felt like God was going to take care of it and I had nothing to worry about. I went and took the CT scan and I didn't worry about the results because I had a friend of mine who kept saying no worry, so that was our saying, no worries. On Tuesday July the 28th I went in for the results I was told that my cancer has metastasized to my lungs and my bones. How do I survive that? The only thing that kept going through my mind was that I was going to die and I was going to leave my daughter in this world without her mother. My daughter and I are very very close. She is very protective and I know this news is going to crush her. All I could do was scream and cry. My first thoughts were what are my plans for my child? I need to make sure that she's going to be ok. I wasn't thinking about myself, it was only about my daughter and step sons. That entire day was like hell to me. I was mentally and physically exhausted my soul cried out for help I'm scared to die most importantly I fear leaving my child. So here I am, my second battle with cancer which feels like its going to be a harder fight than the first. I'm going to need some help. It's going g to take an army!